Deaf Vada

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Acerca de Deaf Vada

Según el artista: Describe con detalle uno de tus primeros recuerdos con la música. There's so many I wouldn't know where to begin! I've always been involved with music in some way or another... Busca una canción tuya en Apple Music que te guste mucho y explícanos qué la hace tan especial. Cuéntanos por qué has elegido esta canción. “A Reason To Love” I love this song for various obvious reasons. First because it's my debut as an artist. Second because it really gets to me, so many memories are bought to my mind. I usually have it on repeat for hours and never get tired of it! ¿Cuál ha sido uno de los momentos más memorables de tu carrera hasta ahora? The moment my debut single "A Reason To Love" was finally available everywhere. It had been such a long time since I first began composing it until it was released that I had a little party to celebrate it! ¿Te queda algo por hacer como artista o banda? Yes! This is just beggining & I have loads of new songs coming up! My aim is to take the sound of London's underground everywhere I can in a way that you'll love and understand as much as I do.

City of London, London, England
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