

Infos zu TimMey

Mit den Worten des:der Künstler:in: Beschreibe eine deiner frühesten musikalischen Erinnerungen im Detail. My best friend got me a vinyl of "Californication" by the Red Hot Chili Peppers for my 13th Birthday. I was blown away by the energy and the way it moved me emotionally. This inspired me to pursue music as a career myself Was sind deine 3 absoluten Lieblingsalben bei Apple Music und warum? Warum hast du dich gerade für diese drei Alben entschieden? Labrinth, Euphoria (Original Score from the HBO Series) Pink Floyd, The Dark Side of the Moon Remastered deadmau5, Day of the deadmau5, Live in Chicago, 2020 DJ Mix These are three albums I would consider perfect in my eyes. They are from very different genres but that is exactly my background. This is what got me into music and what gets me motivated to work on new music every day! Suche bei Apple Music nach einem deiner eigenen Titel, den du liebst. Erzähle uns, was ihn besonders macht. Lass uns wissen, warum du diesen Titel ausgewählt hast. “For the Rest of My Life” This track is part of my first ever movie soundtrack! I had the most amazing time working on this documentary and the director Taylor Garcia is now one of my best friends! Was ist einer der denkwürdigsten Momente in deiner bisherigen Karriere? I always find it hard to keep the relation with my old tracks. I am constantly working on improving myself so a lot of my old songs sound "dated" to me - but I still know a lot of people who enjoy my old songs a lot so I try to keep that in balance. Gibt es irgendetwas, das du/ihr als Künstler:in oder Band noch auf deiner/eurer Wunschliste hast/habt? I would love to score a feature film, or create a full live show with my music, including the visual performance. Being able to hold a listeners intention with my music for such a long time would be a great achievement for me!

Einbeck, Lower Saxony, Germany
15. Mai 2002
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