
- 29. NOV. 2024
- 1 Titel
- You're (Not) The Only One [Bonus Track Version] · 2015
- Crossroads (The Voice Performance) - Single · 2014
- 8 · 2021
- 8 · 2021
- Coastline - Single · 2024
- You're (Not) The Only One [Bonus Track Version] · 2015
- You're (Not) The Only One [Bonus Track Version] · 2015
- 8 · 2020
- You're (Not) The Only One [Bonus Track Version] · 2015
- You're (Not) The Only One [Bonus Track Version] · 2015
Singles und EPs
Infos zu Shem Thomas
Mit den Worten des:der Künstler:in: Beschreibe eine deiner frühesten musikalischen Erinnerungen im Detail. The first song I ever consciously listened to was "Blue Bayou" by Paola. I was 8 years old at the time. That's when I knew I wanted to create a song myself one day. Was sind deine 3 absoluten Lieblingsalben bei Apple Music und warum? Warum hast du dich gerade für diese drei Alben entschieden? Dermot Kennedy, Sonder Imagine Dragons, Mercury - Acts 1 & 2 Noah Kahan, Stick Season I love the creativity in these albums. Each song on those albums takes me to a different place. And Noah Kahan just hits me right in the feels. Suche bei Apple Music nach einem deiner eigenen Titel, den du liebst. Erzähle uns, was ihn besonders macht. Lass uns wissen, warum du diesen Titel ausgewählt hast. “Where Is the End” I gotta say, that's my favorite song from my album "8." It just hits me every time I listen to it, even two years later. Was ist einer der denkwürdigsten Momente in deiner bisherigen Karriere? One of my recent coolest experiences was in 2022 when I played a song right in the middle of the crowd at Gampel Openair in Switzerland. That was incredibly moving. Gibt es irgendetwas, das du/ihr als Künstler:in oder Band noch auf deiner/eurer Wunschliste hast/habt? One day, I wanna go on a world tour. It doesn't have to be huge venues, but I wanna visit my fans all around the globe.
- Pop