Jear Perry


Infos zu Jear Perry

Mit den Worten des:der Künstler:in: Beschreibe eine deiner frühesten musikalischen Erinnerungen im Detail. I was only 10 when my sister handed out a CD to me and played the first track and the first sentence that cam out of the speakers where 'I won't deny it, I'm a straight ridah, you don't wanna f with me' that blew my mind and I was instantly hooked. Was sind deine 3 absoluten Lieblingsalben bei Apple Music und warum? Warum hast du dich gerade für diese drei Alben entschieden? 2Pac, All Eyez On Me Dr. Dre, 2001 Eminem, Relapse (Deluxe Version) These artists are iconic in every sense. They inspired my flow and rhythm. I grew to have my own style but every word I rhyme is sparked by each of these artists. The content is what gave me the taste for the genre of Hip Hop and Rap. I live off it. Suche bei Apple Music nach einem deiner eigenen Titel, den du liebst. Erzähle uns, was ihn besonders macht. Lass uns wissen, warum du diesen Titel ausgewählt hast. “Thirsty” It reflects the complexity of my thought(s)- process & the pictures I want to paint in words. I love to portrait things I envision. When I talk to someone I have to keep in mind to define the thigs as easy as possible but with myself I can get lost. Was ist einer der denkwürdigsten Momente in deiner bisherigen Karriere? Independency. Knowing that I can do everything by myself. It is time consuming & not always easy but I know that if something is not going forward it's because of myself. & more importantly receiving love from people who I've never met. A blessing. Gibt es irgendetwas, das du/ihr als Künstler:in oder Band noch auf deiner/eurer Wunschliste hast/habt? Making more music. Reaching more people. Touching more souls and being able to help people with my lyrics and the things I've endured. I know that there are a lot of people out there who struggle a lot and keep it to themselves. Kill the toxicity.

Berlin, Germany
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