Floppy Circus

Último lançamento

Sobre Floppy Circus

Nas palavras do(a) intérprete: Descreva pormenorizadamente uma das sua memórias musicais mais antigas. I have this vivid memory of spending hours discovering combinations of keys that sounded good together in my parent's old and out of tune piano. That was the foundation of my love for music and the beggining of my self taught journey. Quais são os seus três álbuns favoritos de sempre na Apple Music e qual o motivo? Porque motivo selecionou estes três álbuns em particular? João Donato, Quem É Quem The Beatles, Abbey Road (Remastered) The Strokes, Is This It These albums influenced me through very different stages of my life. Even though my music doesn't necessarily sound like any of these records, they ended up influencing me because of sound selection, mood, song structure and other elements. Qual foi um dos momentos mais memoráveis na sua carreira até agora? I'm very grateful that I have listeners all over the world who resonate with what I do and the energy my music brings. With that being said it was great to have one of my songs be part of a New Balance ad.

Lisbon, Portugal
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