Scott Hansen's 2019 LP under the Tycho moniker, Weather, marked a significant shift in the San Francisco producer’s songwriting: It was his first to prominently feature vocals (specifically those of Texan artist Saint Sinner) amid his reliably chill brand of melodic electronic music. As he hinted at with Weather’s 2020 vocal-free companion, Simulcast, his focus on purely instrumental music would never truly take a back seat. Infinite Health, Hansen's seventh proper album, is a return to that gloriously sunny optimism—but it’s also a nod to his influences. For every spacey synth arpeggio (“Phantom”, “Devices”) there’s a post-rock guitar or bass riff from collaborator Zac Brown (“Consciousness Felt”, “Green”). On most of these tracks, those two worlds live together, suggesting that the key to the album title’s generous wish is that thing that every Tycho album manages to achieve: balance.