Disc 1
Disc 2
- 2011
- The Johan Willem Friso Military Band, The Royal Norwegian Navy Band, Wil van der Beek & The Slovenian Police Band
- The Royal Netherlands Army Band 'Johan Willem Friso', Hans Leenders, Josef Suilen, Rundfunk-Blasorchester Leipzig, Lex van Diepen, The Concert Band of the German Armed Forces, LTC Walter Ratzek, Civia Filarmonica di Lugano, Franco Cesarini, The Midwest Winds, Peter Kleine Schaars, Henrie Adams, Fanfarekorps Koninklijke Landmacht, Jan Nellestijn, The Police Band of Baden-Württemberg, Toni Scholl, Mistral Wind Orchestra, Bart Picqueur, Fanfare Band of the Royal Netherlands Army Mounted Regiments, Tijmen Botma, Gobelinmusic.com Band, Deutsche Bläserphilharmonie & Walter Ratzek
- Antwerp Winds & The Royal Netherlands Army Band 'Johan Willem Friso'
- The Concert Band of the German Armed Forces, Walter Ratzek, The Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama Wind Orchestra, John Wallace, Nigel Boddice, Bryan Allen, Nagoya University of Arts Wind Orchestra & Midwest Winds
- Thomas Doss, Franco Cesarini, Abeno High School Symphonic Band, Civica Filarmonica di Lugano, Eastern Wind Symphony, Nagoya University of Arts Wind Orchestra, Rundfunk-Blasorchester Leipzig, Marine Band of the Royal Netherlands Navy, The Midwest Winds, The Royal Netherlands Army Band 'Johan Willem Friso', William H. Silvester, Lex van Diepen, Masanori Hori, Harmen Cnossen, Arnold Span & Masaichi Takeuchi