Every singer has a go-to karaoke tune, but it’s difficult to come to a consensus of the best karaoke song. Still, the songs that sound best delivered in a tiny room among friends do share some common traits. Familiarity is key, as are massive, skyscraping choruses—as heard on the smouldering pop anguish of Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper’s “Shallow”, for example, or Bon Jovi’s hard-rock party anthem “Livin’ On a Prayer”. Provoking group sing-alongs is also crucial for a good karaoke jam, whether it comes in the form of an over-the-top duet (John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John’s Grease showstopper “Summer Nights”) or a rousing tune that everyone can belt out together (The Killers’ exhilarating “Mr. Brightside”). Above all, a satisfying karaoke hit leaves people ready to take on the world—which is why songs such as Dolly Parton’s empowering “9 to 5” remain staples.