

Infos zu Jaime

Mit den Worten des:der Künstler:in: Beschreibe eine deiner frühesten musikalischen Erinnerungen im Detail. A great moment was when I got my first drum set. An old gentleman gave it to my mother, and so he is somehow partly responsible that I am a musician today. Was sind deine 3 absoluten Lieblingsalben bei Apple Music und warum? Warum hast du dich gerade für diese drei Alben entschieden? Amon Tobin, ISAM (Bonus Track Version) Flume, Palaces Travis Scott, ASTROWORLD There´s a lot of music that fascinates me, but let me suggest you those three LPs. Everything Flume does is very tasteful. Isam is music straight from the future, and Astroworld is, in many ways, a genius album. Suche bei Apple Music nach einem deiner eigenen Titel, den du liebst. Erzähle uns, was ihn besonders macht. Lass uns wissen, warum du diesen Titel ausgewählt hast. “Stay” Music has been with me through many great times, but I needed it most during the hard days. "Stay" was written in a dark chapter and will hopefully help many more people as it has helped me. There is also a great video on my YouTube channel. Was ist einer der denkwürdigsten Momente in deiner bisherigen Karriere? I'm just grateful that I can be an artist and make a living from it. I´m working with a lot of genius people. People who appreciate me as a producer, artist and human being. That is based on reciprocity. For me it's great to have come this far. Gibt es irgendetwas, das du/ihr als Künstler:in oder Band noch auf deiner/eurer Wunschliste hast/habt? It would be nice to operate much more internationally. Working with artists from the UK, touring Japan, producing an album for an Icelandic artist, and having my music featured in an American Netflix series.

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